Tonight I realized that this is outside my bedroom window...My family didn't even know it!! It was funny that I introduced it to them at their own home. My cousin said this volcano is in Antigua, old Guatemala.
I'm adjusting well.
This past weekend I got to spend some time with my younger cousin Ines and her friends at the beach Montericco. They were all very nice and funny people. We celebrated 2 sisters that shared the exact same birthday...so cool for them! One of them has actually been to California 4 times! I had a relaxing time, but I also felt like I made myself very distant from the "party". A bit of homesickness set in. I tried to be myself and be open but the language barrier got to me. I was nervous and didn't even want to try... But I really tried to make the best of it. I always appreciate alone time when I have it.
I spent my first Sunday away looking at this at 8 in the morning.
Everyone was still sleeping as I took my ipod, book and journal out to the lounge chair. I felt as if my worship and the music in my ears was filling the entire seaside and beyond.
Emmaus was with me.
He is with me everywhere.
I really feel that being away is revealing so much more to me about my relationship with God. Distractions are gone (at least at that exact moment they were). I had some great time of reflection and was overwhelmed with the thankfulness of my family and community in Lincoln, CA. I love you all more than I will ever be able to express. My heart burns for your relationships all the way out here in Guatemala. Love you :)
More pics of the weekend:
for my fellow volleyball players
I would wear this dress all the time if I could....
apparently I can :o)
my beautiful cousin Ines
I think I am really a fish.