...sounds romantic, huh? Well, I guess it could be if you like that sort of thing. These are words from one of my greatest friends in this world: “I saw you sleeping with my cat!” :) This is what (early) morning brings to me sometimes and how can I turn that away!
And yes, this is what my blog is about. Anything and Everything.
Clearly, it has been over 2 months since my adventure. No more blog posts. Most of you know I started this blog for my 4 month excursion to Guatemala. When I returned it was if I just closed that door. Closed it and opened another. Back to “real life”.
There has been so much blog talk in the last few weeks of my life. So much that it gave me an itch and impulse to start doing it right then! To drop everything I was doing and let the non-profound words flow. I love when there are constant comments or conversation about something that has been on your mind and it’s revealed to you through other people. I love feeling that instantaneous challenge and encouragement from them and you already feel so alive and you haven’t even done anything about it! Even by those who have no idea they have done that for you... Inspiration.
I definitely over think things. Something as simple(?) as this. I worry too much about how people will receive it. I can think of all the scenarios and thoughts, basically LIES, that I assume people will think.
I’m done with that. I’m trying at the very least. I am done being afraid of not acting out in the moments that bring me life, that make me smile. Certain acts more so than others. There are things in my life that I take head on. No one can show me up. And if you want to challenge me at it, go right ahead, but you probably haven’t met anyone more competitive as you will me. But... I use it all for good :)
So, I will make this oath to myself on this lovely, early Wednesday morning:
“ I, Jackie, Jack, Jacqueline Andrea Palma, will shake those hips on that dance floor with all I’ve got! Sing as loud as I shout and laugh! Run as far as I can with arms wide open! Reach as high as I can and then get a ladder to reach even higher! Bow down on my knees as low as I can and then dig a hole to bow even lower! I will not be afraid. I will be afraid to be average. I will dream while I sleep! I will be dream while I’m awake! I will Love! I will Love with everything in me!”
This isn’t homework or a graded assignment. I will more than likely have many grammatical errors. I’m not writing to be published. I’m not even writing to impress.
I’m writing because I can. I’m writing because I want to. I’m writing because my heart is telling me to. (I’m writing because my friends are telling me to ;) I realize how I am moved by people. How I am moved by their words. I’m moved knowing it’s a glimpse of who they are. I want to let people in on a glimpse of me. If I’m moved by others thoughts and words, maybe just someone will be by mine.
Their words are worth it. My words are worth it.

Dedicated to my East Coast Love :) You have, do and continue to inspire me. 6:42 am